Posts tagged with "Desolation of Churches"

Testimony Articles · 05. March 2020
This article gives an objective account of the prophecies and their fulfillment concerning the Lord Jesus’ return as written in the Bible. Its purpose is to allow the reader to affirm, based on the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, the fact of the Lord’s return, and then go on to seek and investigate His return, be like a wise virgin in welcoming His return, and attain eternal life.
Testimony Articles · 13. December 2019
I’ve been wondering these last few years why I cannot break free from living in sin despite being a pastor and having believed in the Lord for many years. I cannot touch the Lord now. It is as if the Lord has forsaken me. Although I preach everywhere, as soon as I have free time, especially in the dead of night, I always feel a kind of emptiness and anxiety and this feeling just gets stronger and stronger.
Testimony Articles · 07. December 2019
How great and true God’s love is. He is the God who loves mankind! Through the desolation of the church, God compelled all those who believe in God with true hearts to search for the work of the Holy Spirit and to catch up with the footsteps of God.
Gospel · 21. September 2019
why is the entire religious world so bleak? Does God really hate it and has it been discarded by God? How should we understand God’s cursing of the religious world in the Book of Revelation?