Posts tagged with "How to pray to God"

How Can We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?
Testimony Articles · 15. May 2021
The Lord Jesus said, “When the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23–24).

How to Pray Effectively So That God Answers Our Prayers
Testimony Articles · 29. April 2021
We all know that God is faithful. With God, there is no treachery, no hypocrisy and no lies. God is sincere with each and every one of us. God also hopes that we will pray sincerely and honestly to Him.

Eastern Lightning | pray
Testimony Articles · 20. April 2021
The Lord Jesus said: “When the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him” (John 4:23).

Christian Devotional Song | "How Does One Enter Into the True Prayer"
Hymn Video · 25. March 2021
During prayer your heart must be at peace before God, your heart must be sincere. Truly commune when you pray to God.

2019 English Song About Prayer With Lyrics | "The Significance of Prayer"
Hymn Video · 13. February 2021
Prayer is one of the ways how man cooperates with God, to call upon His Spirit and to be touched by God.

Daily Words of God | "Concerning the Practice of Prayer" | Excerpt 416
Before, you did not know how to pray, and overlooked prayer; today, you must do your best to train yourself to pray.

2020 Christian Song About Prayer | "Speak Your Heart in Prayer to Have the Holy Spirit's Work"
Hymn Video · 02. January 2021
Prayer is of utmost importance. When the Spirit’s work is received in prayer, then your heart is touched by God. The strength of your love for God comes forth, when you pray with your heart.

Readings of Almighty God’s Words · 26. December 2020
It will be as if your heart has always been possessed by God, as if that which you love is always in your heart. No one can take that away from you.
Almighty God's Word · 09. December 2020
The more the Spirit of God moves him, the more proactive and obedient he becomes. So, too, will his heart gradually be purified, and his disposition gradually change. Such is the effect of true prayer.

2020 christian song about prayer | "True Prayer"
Hymn Video · 08. December 2020
True prayer is speaking your heart’s words to God. It’s based on God’s will and His word. True prayer is feeling, oh, so close to God, as if He’s in front of you.

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