Posts tagged with "Kingdom Gospel"
The kingdom, the city of saints, Christ’s kingdom.In the kingdom, God’s riches and glory are made manifest. Lightning comes from the East and shines unto the West.
Why does the CCP government so madly suppress and brutally persecute Almighty God and The Church of Almighty God?
When God came in the flesh for the salvation of mankind, why didn’t the religious community and government welcome His arrival but frantically condemned and blasphemed God’s appearance and work? Why did they deplete the resources of the whole country to crucify Christ on the cross at any cost? Why is mankind so evil and so rancorously against God?
In the Age of Grace, God became flesh to serve as a sin offering for mankind, redeeming them from sin. In the last days God has again become flesh to express the truth and to do His work of judgment in order to thoroughly purify and save man. So why does God need to incarnate twice to do the work of saving mankind? And what is the true significance of God incarnating twice?
Almighty God says, "God is incarnated in the Chinese mainland, what the compatriots in Hong Kong and Taiwan call the inland. When God came from above to the earth, no one in heaven and earth knew about it, for this is the true meaning of God returning in a concealed fashion."
The words expressed by the returned Jesus—Almighty God—Christ of the last days, testify God’s appearance and work and reveal the mysteries of the six-thousand-year management plan of God’s saving man.
When the Lord Jesus was arrested and stood trial, Peter denied Him three times. Why didn’t the Lord give the keys of the kingdom of heaven to other disciples, but only to Peter? Here's the answer.
Almighty God says,"When Jesus came, He was nailed to the cross, and He sacrificed Himself for all sinners by offering Himself upon the altar. He had already completed the work of redemption and already brought the Age of Grace to an end, so what would be the point of repeating the work of that age in the last days? Wouldn’t doing the same thing be a denial of the work of Jesus?" read now to know the differences between the way of repentance and the way of eternal life.
What Is the Rapture?
Almighty God says, “‘Being caught up ’ is not being taken from a low place to a high place as people imagine. This is a huge mistake. Being caught up is referring to My predestining and selecting. It is targeted at all those I have predestined and chosen.”
The prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ return has now already been fulfilled, and we have all seen or already heard of the frequent occurrences of all kinds of disasters in all nations of the world. They are, moreover, without historical precedent, and there are disasters occurring everywhere, such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, plagues and wars.