Posts tagged with "mystery of Jesus coming"

Gospel Movie Extract 3 From "The Mystery of Godliness": The Mystery of God's Incarnation
Movie · 22. August 2021
Lin Bo'en was an elder at a house church in China. During all his years as a believer, he felt honored to suffer for the Lord, and valued the knowledge and attainment of the Lord Jesus Christ above anything else in the world.

The Mystery of the Incarnation (1) (Part 1)
Almighty God's Word · 04. January 2021
And so it was Jesus who did the work of God Himself, and it is He who is God Himself, and who directly represents God.

Gospel · 27. May 2020
the majority of religious pastors and elders maintain that the Lord will return coming with clouds. the religious pastors and elders also teach us that any Lord Jesus who does not come with clouds is false and must be rejected. Is this kind of understanding correct or not? Click to read this post to find the answer.
Gospel · 21. May 2020
The prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically been fulfilled, and some have openly testified online that He has already come. Some brothers and sisters are puzzled, as it is clearly written in the Bible: “But of that day and hour knows no man, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). How can they know that the Lord has returned? Has He really come back? What should we do to be able to welcome Him?
Gospel · 16. May 2020
Can the Lord only return by coming with clouds? Will we miss the Lord’s return if we don’t have a correct understanding of the way of the Lord’s return?
Movie · 21. April 2020
Now, the last days have already arrived, disasters are occurring all over the world, and the prophecies of Jesus return have been fulfilled one after the other. But why we have not seen the Lord Jesus coming with clouds to rapture us into the kingdom of heaven. This post will help you understand how two kinds of prophecies about the Lord appearing in the last days will be fulfilled, and guide you to find the path to welcome the Lord.

Gospel Movie Extract · 30. March 2020
Over the centuries since the Lord Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven, we believers have yearned eagerly for Jesus the Savior's return. Most people believe that it will be the spiritual body of the resurrected Jesus that will appear to us when the Lord returns. Is this belief in line with the truth? How Will the Lord Appear to Man When He Comes Again? Watch this video to find the answer.
Testimony Articles · 13. March 2020
A Christian, discovered from the Bible that God will take on a new name in the last days. This was a pleasant surprise as well as a source of confusion for him, but through a period of seeking he finally understood the mystery contained within this …
Testimony Articles · 12. March 2020
We are in the last days now, so what kind of understanding of the prophecies concerning the Lord Jesus’ return is in line with God’s will?
Gospel · 03. March 2020
The prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ return has now already been fulfilled, and we have all seen or already heard of the frequent occurrences of all kinds of disasters in all nations of the world. They are, moreover, without historical precedent, and there are disasters occurring everywhere, such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, plagues and wars.

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