Posts tagged with "persecution"
Testimony Articles · 04. August 2020
The Lord Jesus said, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)
When God came in the flesh for the salvation of mankind, why didn’t the religious community and government welcome His arrival but frantically condemned and blasphemed God’s appearance and work? Why did they deplete the resources of the whole country to crucify Christ on the cross at any cost? Why is mankind so evil and so rancorously against God?
When it comes to Eastern Lightning, how come the pastors and elders who serve God can have the same view and attitude as the CCP government? Just what is the reason behind this? Read this post to find the answer.
Gospel · 26. January 2020
The words expressed by the returned Jesus—Almighty God—Christ of the last days, testify God’s appearance and work and reveal the mysteries of the six-thousand-year management plan of God’s saving man.
Gospel · 26. September 2019
Why are Satan’s evil forces attacking God’s work in such a way, judging God’s work so? Why are the evil forces of the great red dragon frenziedly attacking and condemning God, and oppressing the church of God?
Gospel · 25. September 2019
Almighty God says:"The source of man’s opposition and rebelliousness against God is his corruption by Satan. Because he has been corrupted by Satan, man’s conscience has grown numb, he is immoral, his thoughts are degenerate, and he has a backward mental outlook. "