
Faith Based Christian Movie Extract 6 From "Break Through the Snare": Can One Be Saved by Believing in the Lord Within Religion?

The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning | Gospel Movie



Do you know the true meaning of redemption of the Lord Jesus? Can people who accept the Lord Jesus’redemption but still often sin enter the kingdom of heaven? Watch now to find the answer.




Faith Based Christian Movie Extract 6 From "Break Through the Snare"


Within religion, there are many people who believe that, although the pastors and elders hold the power in the world of religion and walk the path of the hypocritical Pharisees, although they accept and follow the pastors and elders, they believe in the Lord Jesus, not in the pastors and elders, so how can it be said that the path they walk is also that of the Pharisees? Can one really not be saved by believing in God within religion?



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