
2020 Chinese Gospel Song Video | "God Laments the Future of Mankind"

2020 Chinese Gospel Song Video | "God Laments the Future of Mankind"


In the vast expanse of the world, countless changes have occurred,

oceans silting into fields, fields flooding into oceans, over and over.

Except for He who rules over all things in the universe,

no one is able to lead and guide this human race.

There is no mighty one to labor or make preparations for this human race,

still less is there anyone

who can lead this human race toward the destination of light

and liberate it from earthly injustices.

God laments the future of mankind, He grieves at the fall of mankind,

and is pained that mankind is marching, step by step,

toward decay and the path of no return.

A mankind that has broken the heart of God

and renounced Him to seek the evil one:

Has anyone ever given thought to

the direction in which such a mankind might be headed?


It is precisely for this reason why no one senses the wrath of God,

why no one seeks a way to please God or tries to draw closer to God,

and what is more, why no one seeks to comprehend God’s grief and pain.

Even after hearing the voice of God,

man continues on his own path, persists in straying from God,

evading God’s grace and care, and shunning His truth,

preferring to sell himself to Satan, the enemy of God.

And who has given any thought— should man persist in his obduracy—

to how God will act toward this humanity

that has dismissed Him without a backward glance?


No one knows that the reason for God’s repeated reminders and exhortations

is because He has prepared in His hands a calamity like never before,

He has prepared in His hands a calamity like never before,

one that will be unbearable to the flesh and soul of man.

This calamity is not merely a punishment of the flesh, but also of the soul.

You need to know this: When God’s plan falls through,

and when His reminders and exhortations beget no response,

what kind of rage will He unleash?

What kind of rage will He unleash?

It will be like nothing that has ever been

experienced or heard by any created being.

And so God says, this calamity is without precedent,

and will never be repeated.

For God’s plan is to create mankind only this once,

and to save mankind only this once.

This is the first time, and it is also the last.

Therefore, no one can comprehend

the painstaking intentions and fervent anticipation

with which God saves mankind this time.

No one can comprehend

God’s painstaking intentions and fervent anticipation,

God’s painstaking intentions and fervent anticipation.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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