
2020 Gospel Song Video | "People Just Don’t Practice God’s Words"

2020 Gospel Song Video | "People Just Don’t Practice God’s Words"


God’s words have all been said but people don’t keep up,

falling far behind the footsteps of the Lamb.

They’ve not practiced or prayed for what they should have,

not abided by or set aside anything they should.

So attending the banquet is empty and imagined.

People haven’t discharged their duty at all.

Everything’s dependent on God’s doing and His words;

man is of little use, not able to work with God.

God has spoken hundreds of thousands of words,

yet people have not put any into practice.

Forsaking the flesh, discarding notions,

practicing obedience, gaining insight,

not giving people a place in their hearts,

eliminating idols and wrong intentions,

acting without emotion or bias,

thinking of God’s interests and their influence when they speak,

benefiting God’s house in all that they do,

doing more for God’s work, not letting emotions rule,

discarding fleshly pleasures, and selfish conceptions,

people have not put these into practice.


Man understands some of God’s requirements for them,

but they aren’t willing to put them into practice.

What else can God do, how else can He move them?

How do the rebellious have the face to admire God’s words?

How do they have the face to eat God’s food?

Where is their conscience?

Speak not of their utmost, even basic duties they’ve not done.

Are they not living in a pipe dream?

God has spoken hundreds of thousands of words,

yet people have not put any into practice.

Forsaking the flesh, discarding notions,

practicing obedience, gaining insight,

not giving people a place in their hearts,

eliminating idols and wrong intentions,

acting without emotion or bias,

thinking of God’s interests and their influence when they speak,

benefiting God’s house in all that they do,

doing more for God’s work, not letting emotions rule,

discarding fleshly pleasures, and selfish conceptions,

people have not put these into practice.

There can be no talk of reality without practice.

This is a fact as plain as day!


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

True Story Christian Movies: How they practice the truth easily under God's guidance.

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