Testimony Articles

God’s Words Guide Me to Walk on the Correct Path of Life
Testimony Articles · 29. October 2021
Through reading God’s word, I deeply experienced that only God is the truth, way, and life, only God can bring light to people, only by worshiping God, pursuing the truth, turning from our mistaken views on things, and allowing God’s word to become our guide to action can we truly begin walking the correct path in life and living a meaningful life.

Eastern Lightning | image
Testimony Articles · 17. October 2021
Within The Church of Almighty God it is wholly the truth, God’s words, and the Holy Spirit which rule. Almighty God’s words must be accomplished, and what is said will be done.

The Riches of Life
Testimony Articles · 10. October 2021
Under the terrible circumstances of being pursued by the CCP, I deeply felt that it was Almighty God’s words leading me through crisis after crisis, helping me triumph time after time in Satan’s tests.

Testimony Articles · 06. October 2021
The Lord Jesus has returned, and this is a matter that stirs the hearts of man. It was only after many twists and turns, however, that she was finally able to be reunited with the Lord.

Finding Freedom From Status
Testimony Articles · 05. October 2021
God’s words showed me that a duty is not one’s own personal enterprise. Our duty comes from God, and we should perform it as He requires. Training people is something God requires leaders to do.

Only the Pure Enter the Kingdom of Heaven
Testimony Articles · 30. September 2021
People who love truth and truly believe in God from all religions have returned before Almighty God after hearing His voice.

Practice the Truth to Live Out a Human Likeness
Testimony Articles · 29. September 2021
If you can fulfill your responsibilities, perform your obligations and duties, set aside your selfish desires, set aside your own intents and motives, have consideration for God’s will, and put the interests of God and His house first, then after experiencing this for a while, you will feel that this is a good way to live.

I Now Know God’s New Name
Testimony Articles · 25. September 2021
God taking different names to do different work in different ages. But no matter how His name might change, His identity and essence never change.

How to Fully Rely on God to Get Through Hard Times
Testimony Articles · 18. September 2021
Through this extraordinary experience, I truly saw God’s wondrous deeds, and I saw that God is the Ruler of all things. God does indeed control the life and death of every single person, and no created being can ever surpass His power and authority.

At the Brink of Death, Almighty God Came to My Aid
Testimony Articles · 17. September 2021
During my time as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I was persecuted by the CCP government. The government used the “crime” of my belief in the Lord Jesus as a reason to often give me a hard time and oppress me.

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